Turramurra High School

Creating future focused learners

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THS online wellbeing resources

Please find some new wellbeing resources that we have developed and over the last few months for our entire community at THS.

They each serve a different purpose but all, at some time, may be relevant and helpful to you.

Emotional Health @ THS - https://turramurrahigh.emotionalhealthandwellbeing.com/

Purpose: To assist in connecting parents / students with appropriate local support services across a range of mental, emotional and social health contexts.

School TV - THS - https://turramurrahighschool.schooltv.me/

Purpose: To assist parents in understanding some of the challenges that young people face. It provides a comprehensive array of credible information, presented by experts in their field, with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies.

Community Wellbeing - THS - https://wellbeing.ths.community/

Purpose: Serves as a collection of resources with regards to local wellbeing opportunities and initiatives. This site was developed and coordinated by the P and C using information that has been emailed to parents about upcoming webinars, parenting seminars and relevant resources.

I hope these serve as useful resources for all.

Julian Aguilera

Head Teacher - Welfare & Learning Support

Turramurra High School


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