Mathematics is a compulsory course in Stages 4 and 5. Years 7 to 10 follow the NSW syllabus for the Australian curriculum which emphasises the development of knowledge, skills and understanding through the study of
· Number and Algebra,
· Measurement and Space, and
· Statistics and Probability.
All content is surrounded by the phrase, ‘working mathematically’ through communicating reasoning, understanding and fluency, and problem solving. This describes the thinking and doing of mathematics. Students demonstrate their progress toward this outcome by:
- choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems, and
- communicating their thinking and reasoning coherently and clearly.
The 7-10 Mathematics course has a ‘Core-Paths’ structure, designed to extend students as far along the continuum of learning as possible and provide solid foundations for the highest levels of student achievement.
The Core outcomes provide students with the essential foundation for Mathematics Standard 2 in Stage 6. Although it is acknowledged that students learn at different rates and in different ways, the aim is for most students to demonstrate understanding of the Core outcomes.
The Paths outcomes provide access to higher level concepts. Paths are used to progress students towards Stage 6 courses and may be implemented at any time.
The Core–Paths structure is designed to encourage aspiration in students and create pathways for students towards Stage 6. Students will be placed in classes that provide a best-fit for their current level in the Core, and their potential progression through the Paths.